Big Idea

Bringing Science and Trust to Digital Asset Management

CryptoClear provides crypto ecosystem ratings and portfolio analysis. We inspect blockchains to check what is going on under the hood and detect unusual patterns on the transaction network using big data and AI algorithms. We help people mitigate financial risks and manage digital assets with confidence.

Boston, MA

Crypto Risk Has Become Too Big to Ignore

Recent events surrounding FTX show that improvements in risk management is imperative. The encrypted and distributed network with millions of pseudonymous parties to transact on requires sophisticated tools to analyze and manage risks.


Crypto Ecosystem Ratings - Deep Analysis in Simple Language

We inspect blockchains to see what's going on under the hood. Our ratings assess the quality of each crypto from the ecosystem point of view. The numerical rating grades make it easy for regular people to understand risks and identify relative value.

Portfolio Analyzer - Empower People to Manage Digital Assets with Confidence

Our portfolio analyzer helps people realize diversification benefits and manage downside risk based on proven methods and best practice in investment management.


Institutional Quality Ratings and Portfolio Tools Powered by Big Data and AI/ML

Pattern Recognition Made Easy with Blockchain Network Topology

Spot abnormal cluster patterns and "whale" activities on the blockchain network at ease. We help users visualize complex transaction network and gain unique insights. Check out our case study of FTX and see the counter party risk for real.

Comprehensive Crypto Ratings Enabled by Data-Driven Insights

We rate crypto ecosystems from eight key aspects that can make or break a blockchain. ML/AI and data methods enable us to source and analyze vast amount of data from the blockchain, market trading, and social media to capture unique insights.

Interactive Portfolio Analyzer Balancing Risk and Rewards

Our Value-at-Risk calculator quantifies tail risks using empirical simulation. We have launched portfolio optimization tools with proven asset allocation methods:

  • Risk-Parity
  • CVaR Optimization
  • Min-Volatility
  • Mean-Variance
  • Max Diversification


Major steps in our journey

Business development with "lighthouse" customers

We have launched pilots with leading financial institutions and are enhancing our product features with valuable feedback from the CIO and CTO of these "lighthouse" players. Purposefully, we prioritize quality over quantity at this stage of growth.

Prototype Portal Launch

Released our online portal with:

  • Portfolio optimizer
  • Value-at-Risk calculator
  • Crypto ratings in market and liquidity risk and decentralization.
Sourced and analyzed 15TB of blockchain data.

Grants and Funding

Raised $100K+ equity-free funding through grants, fellowship, and competition prizes with generous financial support from:

  • AWS
  • The Legatum Center for Development and Entrepreneurship
  • MassChallenge
  • MIT Sandbox Innovation Fund

Awards and Acceleration

  • Winner of the AWS Startup Pitch Competition Web3 category out of 1000+ startups
  • MassChallenge 2023 Cohort

Partnership in Growth Market

Exploring partnership opportunities with an int'l bond rating agency and crypto exchanges to develop business in LatAm and Asia.

Advocacy and Public Engagement

  • Presented at Boston Fintech Week to advocate for crypto ESG ratings
  • Participated at the Pre COP-27 Roundtable
  • Judged Finnovate competition
  • Organizing committee members of the 10th anniversary of MIT's blockchain conference

Contact Us

Want to learn more about CryptoClear?

Email us at [email protected]